
What Is The Language And Ethnic Makeup Of Spain

  • Introduction & Quick Facts
    • Relief
    • Drainage
    • Soils
    • Climate
    • Establish and animate being life
      • Vegetation
      • Wild fauna
      • Fish
    • Ethnic groups
      • The Romans
      • The Visigoths
      • The Muslims
      • Contempo arrivals
      • The Gitano minority
    • Languages
      • Castilian
      • Catalan
      • Galician
      • Euskera
    • Faith
    • Settlement patterns
      • Man mural
      • Migration
      • Urbanization
    • Demographic trends
    • Agriculture, forestry, and fishing
      • Agriculture
      • Forestry
      • Fishing
    • Resource and power
    • Manufacturing
    • Finance
    • Trade
    • Services
    • Labour and taxation
    • Transportation and telecommunication
      • Railroads
      • Roads
      • Air travel
      • Maritime transport
      • Telecommunication
    • Constitutional framework
    • Regional authorities
    • Local authorities
    • Justice
    • Political process
      • National parties
      • Regional parties
      • Small-scale parties
    • Security
    • Wellness and welfare
    • Housing
    • Education
    • Cultural milieu
    • Daily life and social customs
      • Organization of the day
      • Nutrient and drink
      • Internationalization of civilisation
      • Festivals and holidays
    • The arts
      • Music
      • Literature
      • Theatre
      • Visual arts
      • Architecture
      • Cinema
    • Cultural institutions
      • Museums
      • Libraries and athenaeum
      • Academies and institutes
    • Sports and recreation
    • Media and publishing
      • The press
      • Television and radio
    • Pre-Roman Spain
      • Prehistory
      • Phoenicians
      • Greeks
      • Iberians
      • Celts
    • Roman Spain
      • The conquest
      • Romanization
      • Administration
      • Economy
      • Organized religion
      • Roman remains
    • Visigothic Spain to c. 500
    • The Visigothic kingdom
    • Christian Kingdom of spain from the Muslim invasion to about 1260
      • The Christian states, 711–1035
      • The medieval empire, 1035–1157
      • The rise of Castile and Aragon
      • Social club, economic system, and civilization
    • Christian Spain, c. 1260–1479
      • Castile and León, 1252–1479
      • Castilian institutions, society, and culture
    • Aragon, Catalonia, and Valencia, 1276–1479
      • Aragonese institutions and society
      • Aragonese civilization
    • Muslim Spain
      • The conquest
      • The independent emirate
      • The caliphate of Córdoba
      • The ṭāʾifas
      • The Almoravids
      • The Almohads
      • Granada
      • Social club
      • The economic system
      • Culture of Muslim Spain
        • Literature
        • Philosophy
        • Science
    • United Spain under the Cosmic Monarchs
      • The union of Aragon and Castile
        • Aragon and Catalonia
        • Castile
      • The Spanish Inquisition
        • The conversos
        • The statutes of limpieza
      • The conquest of Granada
      • Espana and the New World
        • Colonial policy
        • The Atlantic trade
    • Spain nether the Habsburgs
      • Charles I
        • The comunero movement
        • The nobility
        • Charles I's strange policy
      • Philip II
        • Finance and imperial policy
        • The Moriscos
        • Portugal and Aragon
      • Lepanto
      • Spain in 1600
        • Espana'south Golden Historic period in literature
        • The "Gold Age" in architecture and painting
      • The reign of Philip Three
        • The expulsion of the Moriscos
        • Spain and Europe
      • Philip IV's reign
        • Spain and the Thirty Years' War
        • The government of Olivares
        • The revolt of Catalonia
        • The revolt of Portugal
        • The final years of Philip 4
      • Charles II
        • The French wars
        • The decline of Kingdom of spain
    • The early on Bourbons, 1700–53
      • The War of the Castilian Succession
      • "American" and "Italian" policies
    • The reign of Charles III, 1759–88
      • Economic revival
      • Imperial problems
      • Domestic reforms
    • Charles 4 and the French Revolution
    • The French invasion and the War of Independence, 1808–14
      • The War of Independence
      • The Constitution of Cadiz, 1812
    • Ferdinand VII, 1814–33
      • The failure of liberalism
      • The "ominous decade," 1823–33
    • Isabella Ii, 1833–68
      • The Carlist wars
      • Moderates, progressives, and the generals
      • Economical expansion
    • The Revolution of 1868 and the Democracy of 1873
    • The restored monarchy, 1875–1923
      • Stability, 1875–98
      • Opposition movements, 1898–1923
    • Primo de Rivera (1923–30) and the Second Republic (1931–36)
      • Primo de Rivera
      • The Second Democracy
    • The Civil War
    • Franco's Espana, 1939–75
    • Spain since 1975
      • Transition to democracy
      • The administration of Felipe González, 1982–96
      • Espana at the beginning of the 21st century
        • The Aznar regime
        • Zapatero and a new generation of Socialist leadership
        • Economic downturn
      • Austerity, indignados, and the rise of tertiary parties
        • The Rajoy administration
        • Economical recovery and Catalonian independence


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